Pricing & Info

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There are many variables in portrait pricing: the number of people, size of the painting, whether it is only head and shoulders, half or full length, background, etc. A 16"x20" single person, head and shoulders, simple brushed background starts at $2000.  A slightly smaller size is available, 11x14 starting at $900.  If it is from an existing photo, I must see it first to make sure there is sufficient detail and proper lighting; also if it is from a professional photographer I'd have to have written permission obtained by you to avoid copyright infringement. I prefer to take photos myself so the detail, lighting is right and I'd own the copyright. Shipping and frames are extra.  Since every portrait is different I can't lock down prices until I know all the specifics. Hope this helps some.

If your budget does not allow this, please contact me and I will work with you as much as I can.

Thank you for your inquiry!